Strategies for Unifying and Revitalizing the LaPorte Co Democratic Party
1. A Cabinet-level Team Leaders
a. Candidate Recruitment & Support: Ensure that every office is contested
b. Pct Chair & Vice Chair Network: Find, train and support elected precinct chairs in every precinct
c. Voter Registration: Lead an ambitious, continuous voter registration effort with goals
d. GOTV: Lead engagement for Getting Dems to the Polls
e. Civics Education: Making sure that high school seniors and others understand how government works and are inspired to participate
f. Year-Round Dem Party Community Services: Organize events/programs for the benefit of the community (Food Drives, Clean-ups, etc.)
g. Year-Round Engagement with Constituent Communities, including:
i. Young Dems
ii. African American Dems
iii. Women Dems
iv. LGBTQ+ Dems
v. Labor Dems
vi. Latino Dems
vii. Rural Dems
h. Fundraising
i. Data Management (VAN)
j. Materials Management – Signs, Literature, etc.
k. Field Volunteer Management – Canvassing, Phone Banking, Postcards, Letters to Editor, etc.
2. Leadership Expectations of the LaPorte Democratic Party Chair
What should we expect from a LaPorte Democratic Party Chair? Effective leaders motivate the actions of others and set their direction; share their wisdom with individuals and groups; exude confidence and attract followers; influence thoughts and actions; and create innovation to achieve results.
Effective Democratic Party leaders bring people together for common action. They need to be:
• Inclusive
• Energized
• Effective
• Cooperative
• Inspiring
• Strategic
• Independent
• Appreciative of volunteers
• Diplomatic
• Fair
• Responsive
• Ethical
• Charismatic
• Unifying
• Coalition building
A County Party Chair must be committed to:
• Filling every ballot position
• Ensuring that all appointed Precinct Committee Chairs reside in the precinct in which they work
• Ensuring that all Precinct Committee Chairs are trained for their positions
• Holding others accountable in the performance of their duties.
• Communicating the goals of the Democratic party
Above all else, it is essential that all voices are heard. Democracy requires participation. Excluding anyone else’s viewpoint is counterproductive, whether group or individual. In the end, consensus should determine the final path.